Mssfix 1360 #tested a number of other values, seems to have no impactĬnf - from a Windows 10 PC, i5 with 8 GB of RAM: Tun-mtu 1400 #tested a number of other values, seems to have no impact Push "socket-flags TCP_NODELAY" #same as above Socket-flags TCP_NODELAY #only when using TCP Sndbuf 0 # using 393216 for UDP - no difference

Tls-auth /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key 0 Key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/key.key # SWAP WITH YOUR KEY NAMEĭh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/dh2048.pem # If you changed to 2048, change that here! Local # SWAP THIS NUMBER WITH YOUR RASPBERRY PI IP ADDRESSĬert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/cert.crt # SWAP WITH YOUR CRT NAME either pass more data per time unit or reduce the number of retransmits)? Question: any idea how to improve either the throughput or reliability of the transmission (i.e. There's no difference if I'm using TCP or UDP as the OpenVPN protocol. Throughout the playback, the CPU usage on the router stays within reasonable limits (~25% of the overall CPU power, so ~50% of a single core), same for the RAM. What doesn't work: streaming of HD channels is choppy, with very short interruptions every few seconds, if the VPN client runs on the Site2 router (the WNDR3700v2 with a dual-core Atheros CPU 680 MHz and 64 MB of RAM). The bandwidth used by a HD channel varies between 10 and 15 Mbps. The bandwidth used by a SD channel varies between 3 and 8 Mbps (no compression or transcoding on the raw stream). Streaming of HD channels only works if the VPN client is a strong machine (it is not a video decoding issue, but a VPN one).

Streaming of SD channels works fine in all situations (no matter who the client is). What works: from a machine in Site2 I can ping the DVB-C receiver and the RPi2 without problems. The site is on a 80 Mbps down / 4 Mbps up cable connection and the devices are connected via either Gigabit LAN or WiFi (150 Mbps) to the router. I have tested with both individual devices as well as the local router connecting as clients to the RPi2 OpenVPN server. Site2 (I'll call it "destination"): here sit a number of various consumer devices (PCs with Windows, Android devices etc.), all connected in the same Gigabit LAN to a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router, which is running DD-WRT v3.0-r29048 (latest and greatest). The site has a 100 Mbps down / 50 Mbps up cable connection and all relevant connections (RPi2, receiver) are UTP cables via a 100 Mbps router.

The VPN port is forwarded via the local router and is thus accessible from the Internet. Site1 (I'll call it "source"): here sits a cable-to-IP converter (a DVB-C receiver running Enigma2 - a custom Linux version), which is in the same LAN as a Raspberry Pi 2, which acts as the VPN server. I have two locations, connected via an OpenVPN network. My first post here - asking for help, as I'm just about to give up.