With all the new and returning players jumping into the game, many are looking for some unique and detailed Minecraft house ideas. Players are hopping back into Minecraft and starting entirely new worlds to experience new and exciting features. Updated on January 10th, 2022 by Russ Boswell: It's 2022 and Minecraft is chugging along stronger than ever thanks to its Latest Caves and Cliffs update. RELATED: The Best Survival Games Of The Decade (According To Minecraft) Here are great Minecraft house ideas to inspire players in their next survival or creative game. While everyone has their own style, it's always nice to get inspiration from other builders. A lot of it requires thinking outside of the box and using blocks in a creative way to simulate structures. However, building in the game isn't always easy. With more blocks and variety on the way, the options are bound to expand. With nearly infinite and unique worlds, there are options to either stick with the classic survival experience or just turn on the cheats, switch to creative mode, and build away. There are few things Minecraft doesn't offer to its players.